niedziela, 18 stycznia 2015

Rökkurró - Svanur / Swan

She sat alone by the lake
and sang to him
Bittersweet songs
until he appeared.
My swan, my swan, do tell me
where do you sail to when the sun goes away?
My swan, my swan, do tell me
where do you sail to when the sun goes away?
She felt as he understood her
but she never got any answers.
About life on the other side,
if he knew a better world.
My swan, my swan give me
the freedom to follow you.
My swan, my swan give me
the freedom to follow you

2 komentarze:

  1. I jak koncert? Nie dałam rady być, ale straszliwie żałuję! Svanur!

  2. miło spotkać kogoś, kto zna ten utwór.
